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Skate Oakville shall not in any way be responsible for loss of property, damage, or injuries to persons, including participants while on the premises. Membership will be closed for any session which becomes filled. The Club reserves the right to change categories or ice times at any times during the skating year, cancel programs where minimum registration levels are not met, an pre-empt ice times for test days and competitions. The Skate Oakville and Town of Oakville are not required to make up lost time or compensate customers for closing arenas due to Acts of God.

Missed Classes

We use the same policy for missed classes as the Town of Oakville. "Participants are to attend all classes as scheduled for the program in which they are registered. In the event that a participant is unable to attend a scheduled class(es), make-up classes, refunds, or credits for the missed class(es) will not be provided."

Assessment Days

Below you will find the requirements for participating in Assessment Days (formerly "Test Days") at Skate Oakville. This policy is for both intermediate assessment days (Sr Bronze & Jr Silver) and high assessment days (Sr Silver and up & all interpretives).

Main Season: Skaters must be registered in a minimum of two (2) sessions per week

Spring Season: Skaters must be registered in a minimum of two (2) sessions per week

Summer Season: Skaters must be registered in a minimum of two (2) weeks of programs OR twelve (12) sessions

Synchro Team Skaters: Synchro teams count as one (1) registered session.

Shinny Ice: Shinny Ice sessions do not count as registered sessions

Non-Skate Oakville Members: Coaches may request special permission for a skater to participate, this does not mean the skater will be able to participate. This is evaluated on a case-by-case basis and is dependent on the size of the assessment day and how much time is available. An additional surcharge would apply to any Non-Skate Oakville members participating. This must be requested a minimum of three weeks ahead of the Assessment Day.


All withdrawals and changes must be done in writing to We do not accept in-person or over-the-phone withdrawals or changes. There is a $15 fee for each individual change or withdrawal.


Each skater must have a responsible person present in the arena when they skate. Please do not assume our coaches or staff are supervising your children.

Volunteer Policy

There is currently no Volunteer Commitment for the 2022-2023 Season.

For more information visit the volunteer page.

Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy and are committed to maintaining your confidence and trust. Accordingly, we maintain the following privacy policy to protect personal information you provide online. This policy applies to your use of the Skate Oakville website and any other site that we may own or operate currently or in the future. If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please send an e-mail to or contact us at Skate Oakville, 3077 Neyagawa Blvd, Oakville Ontario.

Skate Canada Privacy Code

Privacy Code.pdf

Personal Identification Information

We may request personal identification information from you in connection with your use of, or participation in, membership registration for Skate Oakville, our contests, games, surveys, forums, subscription registrations, content submissions, chats, bulletin boards, discussion groups, requests for suggestions, and in connection with other activities, services or resources we make available on any of our sites. In all of these cases, we will collect personal identification information from you only if you voluntarily submit such information to us. We will never intentionally disclose any personal identification information about you as an individual user (such as, for example, your full name, street address, telephone number, credit card number or e-mail address) to any third party without having received your permission. If you do provide us with personal information for any of these activities, we may use it to conduct the activity. We may also use cookie technology (discussed in detail below) to improve your experience of these activities, including remembering your preferences, customizing the content and advertisements that you see or authenticate your access to your personal information. In addition, in the event your personally identifiable information is requested as part of our surveys or polls, such personally identifiable information may be added to your registration information).

Skate Oakville does not sell, rent or lease its member lists to third parties. Skate Oakville may, from time to time, contact you on behalf of external business partners about a particular offering that may be of interest to you. In those cases, your unique personally identifiable information (e-mail, name, address, telephone number) is not transferred to the third party. Skate Oakville may however share data with trusted partners such as for example help us perform statistical analysis. In such a case, we request that the partner limit the use of your personal information to the provision of the services to Skate Oakville and we request that they maintain the confidentiality of your information.

Skate Oakville keeps track of the Web sites and pages our customers visit within Skate Oakville, in order to determine what Skate Oakville services are the most popular. This data is used to deliver customized content and advertising within Skate Oakville to customers whose behavior indicates that they are interested in a particular subject area.

Also, we may share aggregate statistical information with our partners, suppliers, advertisers, sponsors, licensors and other third parties, but we will not share any individual names, personal navigational or other personal information. For example, we may use a third-party advertising company to serve ads when you visit our Sites. We may share demographic and preference information with this company to allow them to display appropriate advertisements for you.

We have the following exceptions regarding the disclosure of your personal information: we will disclose your personal information, without notice, (a) to comply with any valid legal inquiry, order or process served on Skate Oakville or the site; (b) to protect and defend the rights or property of Skate Oakville; and, (c) to protect the personal safety of users of Skate Oakville, or the public. We may also transfer user information, including personally identifiable information, to a successor corporate entity in connection with a corporate merger, consolidation, sale of assets or corporate division or other fundamental corporate change.

The Use of Cookie Technology

The Skate Oakville Web site use "cookies" to help you personalize your online experience. A cookie is a text file that is placed on your hard disk by a Web page server. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer. Cookies are uniquely assigned to you, and can only be read by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you.

One of the primary purposes of cookies is to provide a convenience feature to save you time. The purpose of a cookie is to tell the Web server that you have returned to a specific page. For example, if you personalize Skate Oakville pages, or register with Skate Oakville sites or services, a cookie helps Skate Oakville to recall your specific information on subsequent visits. This simplifies the process of recording your personal information, such as billing addresses, and so on. When you return to the same Skate Oakville Web site, the information you previously provided can be retrieved, so you can easily use the Skate Oakville features that you customized.

You have the ability to accept or decline cookies. Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. If you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to fully experience the interactive features of the Skate Oakville services or Web sites you visit.

Links To Other Sites

Users may find advertising or other content on our Sites that link to the sites and services of our partners, suppliers, advertisers, sponsors, licensors and other third parties. We do not control the contents or links that appear on these sites. In addition, these sites or services, including their contents and links, may be constantly changing. These sites and services may have their own privacy policies and customer service policies, or no policy (policies) at all. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of any third party sites or services before providing any of them with your personal information.

Access To/Correction of Information

If you would like to review any personal information we have retained about you, please send us an e-mail request for this information at To help us address your request, please specify which information you wish to review. Once you have reviewed this information, at your request we will correct personal information about you that you state is erroneous. To request such a correction, please send an e-mail to You should be aware, however, that it is not always possible to completely remove or modify information in our databases and servers although we will always make reasonable efforts to do so upon your request.

Code of Conduct

Skate Oakville aims to promote a safe, supportive environment for the skating community that equally respects our common interests and our differences for all skaters to enjoy the sport and fulfill their own individual goals within a team spirit. In support of this objective, the Skate Oakville has adopted the following Code of Conduct based on the following principles:

  • Skate Oakville by-laws and rules.
  • The Oakville Town Parks and Recreation rules.
  • A harassment free policy.

Members and parents of junior members are required to review, discuss, and accept this Code of Conduct and indicate that they have read and understand their responsibilities by signing the attached agreement before participating in club activities.

All Skate Oakville members must conduct themselves in a manner respectful of all policies and property at the Ice rink as well as any other facility.  Any violation of facility policy may result in disciplinary action from the Club. This Code of Conduct is also in effect when the Club is represented at out of town activities.  Please exhibit a model of behaviour that will provide a good example to the community and encourage pride in our club.

  • Members are expected to display proper respect and sportsmanship towards their fellow skaters, coaches, officials, parents, Board of Directors and the general public at all times.
  • Members are expected to follow the direction of Ice Rink staff and Skate Oakville members acting as rink attendants during Club sessions or Club events.
  • Members shall not harass or abuse, physically or verbally, any other fellow skaters, coaches, officials or parent at any time.
  • At team events, simulations and competitions skaters are encouraged to make an effort to support their fellow skaters during their performances.
  • Members are expected to follow any coach’s instructions where that coach may request restrictions on routines or elements that he/she deems unsafe or dangerous to other skaters on any club ice session.
  • Members are expected to follow the Ice Etiquette and Guidelines for Fun and Safe Skating shown below.
  • Any act performed by a Club member that a rink attendant, Club member, coach or parent sees and deems unsafe or inappropriate may be brought to the Skate Oakville Board's attention for any disciplinary action necessary as described below.

Resolution of Conflict

With many different people and personalities coming together to participate in skating – whether as skaters, friends, family or fans – it is no surprise that conflicts will occasionally arise from differences of opinion or simple misunderstandings.

Moreover, the fast-paced, risky nature of skating makes it natural that skaters will sometimes collide or accidentally get in each other’s way – even when they are maintaining complete awareness and exercising reasonable caution. As a friendly reminder, all skaters who accidentally run into each other or cut each other off are encouraged to say, “I’m sorry”,  or excuse themselves in a polite manner, even if it appears that the other person is more at fault. It shows graciousness, maturity and respect – qualities that bring out the best in all of us.

However, if a member wishes to object to an instruction by an Ice Rink staff, coach, parent or fellow skater, the member shall make the objection known to his/her own coach first. The skater’s coach is responsible for resolution of the issue. If the coach cannot reach resolution of the issue, the coach shall then bring the matter to the Board in writing.

Disciplinary Action


  • Intentionally leaving objects on the ice
  • Chewing gum, eating, or drinking on the ice (exception for water/sports drink at the boards).
  • Discourteous behaviour


  • Abusive or obscene language, profanity, or any gesture of profanity
  • Lack of cooperation with any official, parent, coach or rink staff
  • Displaying or promoting unsafe actions on the ice or elsewhere in the facility
  • Deliberately skating in a manner that interferes with another skater's safety
  • Any destruction or defacement of property including the ice surface


  • Any intentional physical contact, bodily or by throwing objects, which would be considered aggressive in nature by a responsible, prudent person
  • Threatening or harassing of other skaters or persons
  • Possession or use of any illegal substance on the premises
  • Theft

Consequences for Infractions


  • 1st offense - verbal warning
  • 2nd offense - verbal warning of upgrade upon next offense
  • 3rd offense - upgrade to Class II - 1st offense


  • 1st offense - Immediate removal from the ice and loss of privileges for the following session, Written apology to offended party, Letter of reprimand with warning of upgrade upon next offense
  • 2nd offense - Meeting of all parties concerned for disposition, Upgrade to Class III


A class III infraction will require a meeting of the Board , skater, and parents if the skater is a minor.

  • 1st offense - Removal from Club ice and Club activities for a length of time to be determined by the Board, Written letter of apology to offended party, If the skater is under 18 years of age, upon return to ice, parent must accompany skater for a period of time to be determined by the Board
  • 2nd offense - Permanent Club suspension

Position Statement on Bullying

Bullying is a form of harassment and is considered to be “personal harassment” as defined in the Skate Canada Membership Complaint Policy section 9. (c). Skate Canada’s complaint policies are contained in the Policies and Procedures section of the rule book available on the Members Only portion of the Skate Canada web site under Technical & Programs > Rules > 2013 Official Rule Book > Policies & Procedures > Bylaws.

Statement of Intent

Skate Canada strongly condemns bullying, will not tolerate bullying by any of its members, and is committed to raising awareness of this issue and preventing and eliminating bullying behaviour within Skate Canada. Skate Canada recognizes that bullying can have a serious adverse impact on personal dignity, self-esteem, confidence, personal safety, performance, enjoyment of skating and of life itself. All Skate Canada members have the right to participate in a safe, supportive and caring environment free from harassment and they have the responsibility to contribute to the protection and maintenance of this environment.

What is Bullying?

Bullying is a form of personal harassment and includes physical or verbal abuse that occurs once or repeatedly and may involve an imbalance of power. Bullying is intended to hurt and humiliate the victim and may include:

  • Insulting or derogatory remarks or gestures
  • Rude or vulgar language or gestures
  • Shouting, yelling, swearing, name-calling
  • Persistent unwarranted criticism
  • Public ridicule
  • Verbal, written or physical threats and intimidation
  • Hitting, kicking, pushing or other types of forceful physical contact

Bullying may occur in-person or through electronic means including e-mail, texting and social media.

What to do if you are bullied?

If a member has experienced bullying behaviour, or has witnessed another member being bullied, the member may submit a complaint to the Complaint Review Officer at the Skate Canada national office as per the process in the Skate Canada Membership Complaints, Hearing and Investigation Procedures Policy.

Skate Oakville Members may also submit a complaint in confidence to the Ombudsman at  Skate Oakville is dedicated to nurturing a culture that supports skating in a fun and friendly environment that challenges everyone to perform at their very best.


Skate Oakville from time to time takes photographs or video of the skaters. Any photograph or video may be included on our website or Facebook page, in the local newspapers, or any other Club related document, information sheet or advertising relating to the Club. The use of photographs and video will be limited to these purposes. Please email if you have any questions regarding this policy.

Helmet Policy

CanSkate (3-5 yrs): Skaters require CSA approved hockey helmet with a face cage

CanSkate (6-10 yrs): Skaters require CSA approved hockey helmet, face cage is optional

TeenSkate: Skaters require CSA approved hockey helmet, face cage is optional

Adult LTS: Skaters require CSA approved hockey helmet, face cage is optional

All Skate Canada member clubs and skating schools who offer a CanSkate program must ensure all CanSkate and Adult CanSkate participants up to and including Stage 5 must wear a CSA approved hockey helmet while on the ice. The hockey helmet must be in good condition, not broken, or missing pieces, and must fit properly.

Hockey helmets are designed to help protect against head injuries occurring on ice, whether from a fall or collision. A bicycle helmet, for example, is designed to protect against head injuries should a fall occur while riding a bicycle. It is important to ensure that when a skater is on the ice, they are protected with equipment designed for their sport or activity.

This policy is agreed upon at the time of registration, whether online or in person, and must be followed by all participants. All participants must have the proper equipment to participate in classes. Rentals are not available for any reason, or at any time during our programs.

More information on Skate Canada's Helmet Policy and regulations can be found here.
